Law of Correspondence Game

The Law of Correspondence Game: “Mirror Worlds”

Game Overview

“Mirror Worlds” is a cooperative board game for 2-6 players where participants navigate through parallel dimensions that mirror each other. Players must solve puzzles and complete tasks in both dimensions, using the Law of Correspondence to influence outcomes. The game emphasizes teamwork, strategic thinking, and communication.


Players must successfully complete tasks in both the Real World and the Mirror World by finding and using corresponding elements. The game is won when all players escape from both worlds by solving the final puzzle.


  • Game Board: Divided into two sections: Real World and Mirror World.
  • Character Tokens: Representing players, with unique abilities.
  • Task Cards: Challenges that need to be completed in both worlds.
  • Correspondence Cards: Clues or items that link the Real World and Mirror World.
  • Action Cards: Special actions that players can use to influence both worlds.
  • Timer: To add urgency to tasks.
  • Rulebook: Instructions on how to play the game.


  1. Place the game board in the center of the playing area.
  2. Shuffle the Task Cards and Correspondence Cards, placing them in separate decks.
  3. Each player selects a character token and places it in the starting area of the Real World.
  4. Draw and place the first Task Card for both the Real World and Mirror World.
  5. Set the timer according to the difficulty level chosen by the players.


  1. Turns: Players take turns clockwise. Each turn consists of:
    • Draw an Action Card: At the start of their turn, players draw one Action Card.
    • Move: Players can move their character token up to a certain number of spaces in either world.
    • Interact: Players can interact with elements in their current world, attempting to solve tasks or find Correspondence Cards.
  2. Correspondence Mechanism:
    • Each Task Card in the Real World has a corresponding Task Card in the Mirror World.
    • Players must communicate and share information to find and use Correspondence Cards that help solve tasks in both worlds.
    • Actions in one world can affect the other. For example, solving a puzzle in the Real World might reveal a hidden path in the Mirror World.
  3. Completing Tasks:
    • Players must use clues and items from Correspondence Cards to complete tasks.
    • Successfully completing a task in one world often provides a critical item or clue for the corresponding task in the other world.
  4. Winning the Game:
    • Players must complete a series of tasks in both worlds to progress.
    • The game is won when the final puzzle in both worlds is solved, allowing all players to escape.
  5. Losing the Game:
    • If the timer runs out before the final puzzle is solved, the game is lost.
    • Players also lose if they fail to complete tasks in both worlds after a set number of turns.

Example of Play

  • Turn 1:
    • Player A draws an Action Card that allows them to move through walls.
    • Player A moves their token to a location with a Correspondence Card in the Real World.
    • They find a Correspondence Card that hints at a hidden object in the Mirror World.
  • Turn 2:
    • Player B draws an Action Card that allows them to switch places with another player.
    • Player B moves their token in the Mirror World and finds the hidden object mentioned in the Correspondence Card.
    • They use the hidden object to complete the Mirror World task, revealing a key for the Real World.
  • Turn 3:
    • Player C uses the key found in the Mirror World to unlock a door in the Real World, progressing to the next task.

Special Actions

  • Communication Boost: Players can share information more freely for one turn.
  • Time Freeze: Pause the timer for a short duration.
  • Dimension Shift: Swap places with a player in the other world.


“Mirror Worlds” leverages the Law of Correspondence to create an engaging and challenging cooperative experience. Players must work together, using their unique abilities and shared knowledge, to navigate through parallel dimensions and solve intricate puzzles. The game’s emphasis on communication and strategic planning ensures a dynamic and rewarding gameplay experience.
