As mentioned in the last article the first space is a place to clear and ground at the beginning of the journey.
- The second space involves actively looking into your recent past for something that impacted your feelings. It caused you to react in a way that was not helping you to move forward or the last excuse you told yourself . Try to find it. It could be something you were trying ro do that didn’t work the way you wanted. It may be something you put off to a better time. It could even be something that made you feel fear for no visible reason or something you avoided and don’t know why. It is something that diverts your energy. Once you have it continue the journey to the next room while trying to remember how far back in your past similar experiences happened that caused the same energy to arise.
- The next room we will call discovering the beginning. At this stage we look at when we were a young child and what happened then that made you have the same feeling. It may not be a singular event but a default feeling around people, friends or family.
- The next room is a place to look at what you found and notice it was something that happened and the impact was strong enough to alter your perception and bury the feeling of the event inside. Whenever a present event that is similar you get triggered and react by bringing the same response into the present. The thing to do here is to realize that the present is not the past. Simply acknowledge the feeling and let it pass. Then choose how you want to proceed in the present. The more you make that choice the more the new result gets wired in your feelings. Soon the old life gives way to the new. Possibilities come where you previously saw none and from each action in the new direction there arise new opportunities.
- In the next room we spend time adsorbing the journey and its lesson.
- Moving along we eventually enter the center of the labyrinth where we meet others who arrived in the same way you have and there are great opportunities to meet fellow travelers on the way to a balanced and fulfilling life. Whether the event you discovered on the journey was a positive or negative one does not matter. The process is the same. For a positive event, we see how we can make choices to improve from what we discover. Positive events early in life will arise again later just as negative ones did. Recognizing those little things that cause us to be happier is just as important as realizing and healing our traumas.
- Here is a concept for a 20ft diameter concrete table top for the center of the Center Of Infinity Labyrinth