law of attraction Game

Title: Intention Quest

Intention Quest is a collaborative board game where players embark on a journey to achieve their dreams and desires by harnessing the power of intention. Each player represents a character striving to manifest their goals through focused intention and positive thinking.

Game Components:

  1. Game Board: A colorful board divided into sections representing different life areas (career, relationships, health, etc.).
  2. Goal Cards: These cards depict players’ individual desires or dreams (e.g., starting a business, finding love, achieving fitness goals).
  3. Intention Tokens: Colorful tokens representing different levels of intention (e.g., focus, clarity, belief).
  4. Action Cards: These cards provide challenges or opportunities that players must overcome or seize using their intention tokens.
  5. Manifestation Track: A track where players move tokens or markers to signify their progress towards manifesting their goals.


  1. Setting Intentions: At the beginning of the game, each player draws a Goal Card secretly. This card represents their personal intention for the game.
  2. Turns: Players take turns rolling a dice and moving their character token across the board. Each space they land on presents them with challenges or opportunities related to their goals.
  3. Using Intention Tokens: Players can use their intention tokens to enhance their actions or overcome obstacles. For example, if a player faces a challenge card, they can use a clarity token to gain insight into how to resolve it.
  4. Manifestation Challenges: Throughout the game, players encounter manifestation challenges where they must demonstrate their ability to align their thoughts and actions with their intentions. This could involve answering questions related to their goals or performing actions that reflect their desires.
  5. Collaboration: Players can collaborate by sharing intention tokens or helping each other overcome challenges, reinforcing the idea that collective positive energy can amplify individual intentions.
  6. End Game: The game ends when at least one player successfully manifests their goal by reaching the end of the Manifestation Track. Players then reflect on their journey and discuss how their intention impacted their gameplay.

Key Concepts:

  • Law of Attraction: Emphasizes the power of positive thinking and focused intention in achieving goals.
  • Visualization: Encourages players to visualize their goals and take actions aligned with their desires.
  • Reflection: Provides opportunities for players to reflect on how their intentions influenced their gameplay and outcomes.


  • Positive Mindset: Encourages players to adopt a positive mindset and believe in their ability to achieve their dreams.
  • Goal Setting: Helps players articulate and prioritize their goals in a fun and interactive way.
  • Collaboration: Fosters teamwork and mutual support among players.

Intention Quest is not just a game but a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By playing, participants not only have fun but also learn how to harness the law of attraction in their own lives. It encourages mindfulness, positivity, and belief in the power of intention to manifest desired outcomes.