Law of Inspired Action Game

Title: Path to Gathering: A Journey of Inspired Action

Objective: The objective of the game is to successfully organize and host a large gathering of spiritual people for a conference, thereby achieving a sense of fulfillment and spiritual growth.


  1. Game Board: A board divided into spaces representing different stages of event planning and spiritual growth.
  2. Players: 2-4 players, each representing an organizer striving to bring together spiritual leaders and participants.
  3. Cards: Event cards (representing tasks and challenges), inspiration cards (boosts and insights), and action cards (moves that players can make).
  4. Markers and Tokens: Tokens to represent progress, markers for each player, and perhaps a centerpiece token symbolizing the ultimate gathering.


  1. Starting Point: Each player starts at the beginning of the board with a basic setup.
  2. Turns: Players take turns rolling a dice or spinning a spinner to move across the board.
  3. Stages of Action:
    • Inspiration Phase: Draw an inspiration card for insights and boosts.
    • Planning Phase: Draw an event card that presents a task or challenge related to organizing the gathering.
    • Action Phase: Use action cards strategically to overcome challenges or enhance progress.
  4. Challenges and Tasks: Event cards could include challenges like finding keynote speakers, securing a venue, promoting the event, managing logistics, and handling unexpected spiritual or logistical issues.
  5. Inspired Action: Players can use their inspiration cards to gain advantages, such as networking opportunities, spiritual insights, or boosts in organizational capabilities.
  6. Collaboration vs. Competition: Players may choose to collaborate by sharing resources or compete by trying to outmaneuver others in achieving specific milestones.
  7. Gathering Completion: The game concludes when a player successfully reaches the final space on the board, symbolizing the culmination of organizing the conference. This could involve a final challenge or decision representing the successful hosting of the event.

Winning: The winner is the player who successfully organizes the gathering of spiritual people for the conference, demonstrating the most effective use of inspired action, organizational skills, and spiritual growth throughout the game.

Example Moves:

  • Move Forward: Roll the dice/spin the spinner and move the designated number of spaces forward.
  • Inspired Insight: Play an inspiration card to gain a strategic advantage or insight into the next challenge.
  • Collaboration: Share resources or information with another player to mutually benefit both parties.
  • Overcome Challenge: Use action cards to overcome specific challenges presented by event cards.

This game structure allows players to experience the principles of the Law of Inspired Action in a tangible, strategic way, encouraging both spiritual and organizational growth as they progress towards hosting a successful spiritual gathering.
