Small Summit Meeting

A meeting of 25 people having a park picnic/ gathering?

An intimate gathering of 25 people in a park picnic setting for the Global Spirit Summit can still create a profound and meaningful experience. Here’s how the structure could look:

Global Spirit Summit: Intimate Park Picnic Gathering

Morning Session

  • Welcome and Opening Circle
    • Gathering in a Circle: Begin with everyone forming a circle, creating a sense of community and inclusiveness.
    • Opening Words: Brief introduction by the organizer, setting the intention for the day’s discussions.

Interactive Discussions

  • Panel Discussion: Exploring Spiritual Paths
    • Moderated Discussion: Participants share their personal spiritual journeys, beliefs, and practices.
    • Q&A Session: Open floor for questions and reflections from participants.

Midday Activities

  • Workshop Sessions
    • Small Group Workshops: Break into smaller groups for interactive sessions on topics like mindfulness practices, meditation techniques, or connecting with nature.
    • Sharing Circle: Reconvene to share insights and experiences from the workshops.

Afternoon Sessions

  • Global Perspectives Exchange
    • Cultural Sharing: Participants share aspects of their cultural or spiritual traditions through stories, music, or rituals.
    • Open Mic: Opportunity for spontaneous sharing of thoughts, poems, or songs related to spirituality.

Closing Ceremony

  • Reflection and Integration
    • Closing Circle: Gather once again in a circle to reflect on the day’s discussions and experiences.
    • Gratitude and Closing Remarks: Express gratitude for the shared insights and connections, and discuss next steps for continued collaboration or personal growth.

Social Interaction

  • Picnic Lunch and Informal Networking
    • Shared Meal: Enjoy a picnic lunch together, encouraging informal conversations and networking among participants.
    • Nature Walk or Meditation: Optional activity to connect further with the natural surroundings of the park.

Follow-up and Continued Engagement

  • Exchange of Contact Information: Encourage participants to exchange contact details for ongoing discussions and support.
  • Online Community: Create a digital platform or group for participants to stay connected, share resources, and continue the dialogue beyond the summit.

Additional Considerations

  • Facilitation: Ensure a facilitator or moderator guides the discussions to maintain focus and inclusivity.
  • Logistics: Provide picnic essentials, such as blankets, refreshments, and possibly simple decorations to create a welcoming atmosphere.
  • Accessibility: Choose a park location that is accessible to all participants and consider any special needs or preferences.

This scaled-down format emphasizes personal connection, deep dialogue, and the integration of diverse spiritual perspectives within a serene outdoor setting, fostering a memorable and transformative experience for all involved.
